Sunday, October 06, 2013
(Achewood, CA) Hot on the heels of Thief of Graves, FRAN.CE has released their second hit single to the world, "Dance Night." "A haunting night of Dance will transport the listener into realms of cyber intrigue and heart-stopping beats," said a representative.
FRAN.CE, Europe's hottest band, is slowly weaving their success in America, one hit at a time.
This is the first hit single by FRAN.CE to be "pre-mastered" by Téodor Orezscu, who worked backward to the original files by tracing down the artist's recording process and exposing the rare, raw tracks. FOR ADVANCED LISTENERS ONLY.
Dance Night MP3
Dance Night M4A (pre-Mastered by DJ Tre-Odor)
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(Achewood, CA) Hot on the heels of Thief of Graves, FRAN.CE has released their second hit single to the world, "Dance Night." "A haunting night of Dance will transport the listener into realms of cyber intrigue and heart-stopping beats," said a representative.
FRAN.CE, Europe's hottest band, is slowly weaving their success in America, one hit at a time.
This is the first hit single by FRAN.CE to be "pre-mastered" by Téodor Orezscu, who worked backward to the original files by tracing down the artist's recording process and exposing the rare, raw tracks. FOR ADVANCED LISTENERS ONLY.
Dance Night MP3
Dance Night M4A (pre-Mastered by DJ Tre-Odor)
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